We Carry With Us Our Mother
Video, 5:00min. 2019
Missing In-Between the Physical Proper
Video, 6:00min. 2016
Over Fractured Water
Video, 5:00min. 2014
On The Evening
16mm film and video, 7:00min. 2014
Invert and All That Is Solid
Video, 3:15min. 2014
In Reps of Long-Play
16mm to video, 6:30min. 2013
Video, 10:00min. 2012
Video, 5:15min. 2011
Negating the Increasing Powerlessness of the Most Photographed Thing in America
Video, 5:00min. 2010
The Idea of Homelike
Video, 7:40min. 2010